
JSP client that implements a dictionary service from a remote interface

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Java Dictionary RMI Client

Dillon Ward - G00326756 - Distributed Systems


The following repository contains a Java RMI Server Dictionary Application Client for a fourth-year undergraduate project for the module Distributed Systems. The module is taught to undergraduate students at GMIT in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Physics. The lecturer is Patrick Mannion.

Cloning this Repository

To clone this repository and run the solutions, do the following:

In the command line change to a directory:
cd <directory>

Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/DillonWard/Java-Dictionary-RMI-Client.git

Change directory into the cloned folder:
cd <folder name>

Run the server:
java -jar dictionary-service.jar

Unpack the .war file:
cd <C:\Tomcat\webapps>
copy and paste the 'RMI-Dictionary-Service.war' file into the 'webapps' folder

Start Tomcat:
cd into the <C:\Tomcat\bin> directory and run 'startup'

The webapp should be running at 'localhost:8080/RMI-Dictionary-Service/'




The ContentServlet is the Backend for the JSP file. It handles all data being passed to and from the JSP. The ContentServlet has 2 funtionalitites, doPost and doGet.

The doPost takes in the parameter that is being passed from the JSP input box and creates a thread for it to be added to a queue for execution. Initially, if the queue is empty a new thread will be created and the word is passed in. Otherwise, the word will be added to a queue. After the thread is created, it is put to sleep for 10 seconds and a poll is done to get the head of the queue.

The doGet is responsible for simply redirecting to the servley and returning the response from the server to the JSP servlet.


The DictionaryClient contains a default constructor which is used for adding to a queue, a run,append and pollQueue method.

The run method is responsible for handling the queues and doing the Naming.lookup to get the response from the server. Then, the response is passed to the checkWord function in the server. The response or definition from the server is then added to a response queue and returned to the JSP.

The append method is used for adding new words to the queue and running the run method so that the queue is executed.

The pollQueue is responsible for returning the head of the queue to the JSP.



The DictionaryServer is where the main method for the server is located. This is responsible for binding the remote object to the RMI registry so it can be implemented on the client side. It creates a registry at port 1099 which is the default port for RMI and uses Naming.rebind to assign a name to the service so that it can be used in the Naming.lookup service.


This is the remote interface that contains our checkWord function that will be implemented by the Client. The remote interface extends Remote.


This class contains a constructor that takes in the file name from the server. The name of the dictionary is passed in from the server and set here.

The checkWord class is implemented from the Remote Interface. First, it calls the readFile function which will populate a HashaMap with a dictionary. The word from the JSP is passed into this function and the dictionary HashMap is checked to see if there's a key associated with that word. If there is, the value linked to the key is returned in a response. Otherwise, "no word found" is returned.

Finally, the readFile is responsible for reading in our dictionary.txt file. The file is read in and is split where there is a ':' into a Key: value HashMap.