Jira Ticket Deletion Tool

This Python script automates the process of deleting tickets from a Jira project. It utilizes the Jira API provided by the jira library to interact with a Jira instance and perform ticket deletion based on specified criteria.


  • Python 3.x
  • jira library


  1. Install Required Packages: Make sure you have the jira library installed. You can install it via pip:

    pip install jira
  2. Configure Jira Connection: Provide the necessary information to connect to your Jira instance:

    • jira_server: The URL of your Jira server.
    • jira_token: Your Jira API token or password.
    • email: Your email address associated with your Jira account.
  3. Run the Script: Execute the script in your Python environment.


  1. Delete Tickets: Uncomment the section in the script responsible for deleting tickets. By default, the script is configured to read ticket keys from a file named jira_ticket.txt and delete the corresponding tickets from Jira.

  2. Execute Script: After setting up the script, run it in your Python environment. It will delete the tickets specified by the criteria.

Additional Notes

  • Ensure that the user account associated with the provided email address has sufficient permissions to delete tickets in the specified projects.
  • Exercise caution when deleting tickets, as this action is irreversible.
  • Regularly review and update the script to accommodate changes in your Jira instance or requirements.