
Graph Neural Networks and Transformers for Jet Classification. Ongoing work

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Use of GNNs and Transformers for Jet Classification. Ongoing work.

Training the GNNs

The GNNs can be constructed and trained using the following:

cd Subjet-GNN
python analysis/steer_analysis.py -c <config> -i <input_file> -o <output_dir>

In the case where the input are subjets, instead of hadrons, the -i path should point to a file subjets_unshuffled.h5 containing a dataset produced by the JFN repository. Locations of produced datasets can be found here.

If the desired input are hadrons, we do not need to specify an input file.

Once the graphs are constructed (by the graph_constructor module), they will be read from file on subsequent runs, as long as the output file is the same.

  • If you would like to force recreate them, you can add the argument --regenerate-graphs.
  • If you would like to use graphs that were already constructed from the JFN processing script output (in the subjets_unshuffled.h5 file), you can add the argument --use_precomputed_graphs.

The first time that the graphs are constructed, the default value is N=500,000 subjets/hadrons. Be careful: if you exceed this number in the config file, an error will be raised.

In the case where the ML models, specified in the config file, are either Particle_Net or Transformer, the 'graph_constructor' will not be called since those architectures dynamically create a graph at each layer.

You can also re-run the plotting script after training the models, if you like:

cd Subjet-GNN
python analysis/plot_results.py -c <config> -o <output_dir>

Training different models

Different architectures (transformers, deep sets) can be trained by specifying the model in the yaml config file.

To include an additional architecture, you should implement the following:

  • The model folder contains a class for each model to handle initialization, data loading, and training: init_model(), init_data(), train()
  • The architecture folder contains architecture definitions themselves: e.g. for PyTorch init(), forward()
  • The ml_analysis.py module then will initialize and train the model, using the achitecture.

Setup software environment – example: hiccup cluster

Click for details

Logon and allocate a node – example on hiccupgpu

Logon directly to hiccupgpu:

ssh <user>@hic.lbl.gov -p 1142

This is not yet integrated into the slurm queue on the hiccup system, so just beware that if someone else is using the system at the same time you will want to keep an extra eye on the memory consumption.

Initialize environment

Now we need to initialize the environment: set the python version and create a virtual environment for python packages. Since various ML packages require higher python versions than installed system-wide, we have set up an initialization script to take care of this. The first time you set up, you can do:

cd Subjet-GNN
./init_hiccup.sh --install

On subsequent times, you don't need to pass the install flag:

cd Subjet-GNN

Now we are ready to run our scripts.

Setup software environment – example: perlmutter cluster

Click for details
### Logon and allocate a node Logon to perlmutter: ``` ssh @perlmutter-p1.nersc.gov ```

First, request an interactive node from the slurm batch system:

salloc --nodes 1 --qos interactive --time 02:00:00 --constraint gpu --gpus 4 --account=alice_g

which requests 4 GPUs on a node in the alice allocation. When you’re done with your session, just type exit.

Initialize environment

We will only run the ML part of the pipeline on perlmutter. For now, you should copy your output file of generated jets/events:

scp -r /rstorage/<output_file> <user>@perlmutter-p1.nersc.gov:/pscratch/sd/<initial letter of user>/<user>/

Now we need to initialize the environment: Without a tensorflow installation:

cd Subjet-GNN
source init_perlmutter.sh

With tensorflow:

cd Subjet-GNN
source init_perlmutter_tf.sh

Now we are ready to run our scripts.