
An easy-to-run OCR model pipeline based on CRNN and CTC loss

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

OCR CRNN and CTC loss model

Quick setup and start

The provided Dockerfile is supplied to build an image with CUDA support and cuDNN.

Also you can install the necessary python packages via requirements.txt


  • Clone the repo.
  • Download and extract dataset to the data/ folder.
  • sudo make all to build a docker image and create a container. Or sudo make all GPUS=device=0 CPUS=10 if you want to specify gpu devices and limit CPU-resources.

Configuring the model

You can change the ocr_config.json (or make a copy of the file) and set the necessary training and evaluating parameters: alphabet, image size, saving path and etc.

You can set the "epoch_size" to null to train/test on the entire dataset.

It is also possible to specify several datasets for the train, validation and test, setting the probabilities for each dataset separately (the sum of probabilities can be greater than 1, since normalization occurs inside the processing). For example:

"train": {
    "datasets": [
            "csv_path": "/workdir/data/dataset_1/train.csv",
            "prob": 0.5
            "csv_path": "/workdir/data/dataset_2/train.csv",
            "prob": 0.7

Datasets must be pre-processed and have a single format: each dataset must contain a folder with text images and csv file with annotations. The csv file should consist of two columns: "filename" with the relative path to the images (folder-name/image-name.png), and "text"-column with the image transcription.

Prepare data

If you use polygon annotations in COCO format, you can crop images with text from full images to prepare a training dataset using this script:

python scripts/prepare_dataset.py \
    --annotation_json_path path/to/the/annotaions.json \
    --annotation_image_root dir/to/images/from/annotation/file \
    --class_names pupil_text pupil_comment teacher_comment \
    --bbox_scale_x 1.2 \
    --bbox_scale_y 1.3 \
    --save_dir dir/to/save/dataset \
    --output_csv_name data.csv


To train the model:

python scripts/train.py --config_path path/to/the/ocr_config.json


To test the model:

python scripts/evaluate.py \
--config_path path/to/the/ocr_config.json \
--model_path path/to/the/model-weights.ckpt

If you want to use a beam search decoder with LM, you can pass lm_path arg with path to .arpa kenLM file. --lm_path path/to/the/language-model.arpa