
Clone WiFi Pineapple NANO/TETRA in generic hardware

Primary LanguageShell

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Wifi Pineapple Cloner v4

The Pineapple NANO and TETRA are excellent security hardware but in 2020 they reached their end of life.
So to give a new life to this platform on modern hardware I developed these scripts to port it to different routers.

Sometime between 2019 and 2020 we started using the private beta of this project which my friends called "Pineapple Termidor".
So at the time of redoing this project I decided to rescue the original name from forgotten šŸ¤£

About this project

This project is the result of everything I've experienced from 2018 to 2022 to successfully clone the NANO and TETRA in any hardware.

For this I've develop:

  • The method of patching the file system with the minimum to be able to work. For this I created the list of files to copy and the script that copies them.
  • A script to patch the file system to work on any hardware.
  • Completely updated panel with fixes and improvements.
  • Completely updated packages repository (build).
  • New module repository.
  • And some new modules that are basic to use a device like this nowadays. New modules: PMKIDAttack and Terminal



You can find the complete steps to build this project in this document. I also added several important notes about this.

Supported devices

There are 211 devices supported by the project. You can see the full list here.

Also I made a second repo for downloads where you can find the firmwares already made for the most common devices of the Supported devices list.

What differences are there with other methods using by firmwares that I can download from the internet?

All firmwares found on the internet were made with securityaddicted method which is to copy the entire original file system. This besides consuming all the space, was often unstable, so I developed this new method.
I presented this new method as part of my appearances at EkoParty 2020 and DragonJar 2021. You can see the material from those presentations here.
In 2021 an idiot named Samy Younsi first made a post stealing the method I developed and presented at conferences... months later he ported it to python using the Wifi Pineapple Cloner v1 version and kept sharing it as if it was his work.
During 2022 I managed to debug the method and how to use it until I was able to port the pineapple to any hardware and have it work 100% like the original.
So the most elaborate method would be this one that achieves a very low weight in the firmware and a stability equal to the original hardware.

Install steps

  1. Install OpenWrt version 19.07.7 on your router.

  1. Use SCP to upload the firmware image in your device.
scp gl-ar750s-universal-sysupgrade.bin root@ 
root@'s password: 
gl-ar750s-universal-sysupgrade.bin                                                                        100%   13MB   2.2MB/s   00:05 

  1. Once the image is uploaded, execute sysupgrade command to update firmware. Wait few minutes until the device install the new firmware.
ssh root@
sysupgrade -n -F /tmp/gl-ar750s-universal-sysupgrade.bin

  1. Enter to pineapple panel and enjoy!

In the download repo you can find some debugging tips if you have problems.

  1. Once installed, the project has a tool that helps us to do several things. For example you can use it to change the panel theme with this command:
service wpc-tools theme_install

Recomended setup

  1. GL-AR150 or GL-AR750S
  2. USB 2.0 2 ports hub
  3. Generic RT5370 WIFI adapter or MT7612U WIFI adapter you're really going to need this on hardware that doesn't have two wifi adapters
  4. Please support Hak5 work and buy the original hardware!

If you want to collaborate with hardware

Those who want to help buy testing hardware or just give me a tip, you can do it by sending donations to my binance account:
