Technical test for SecureEdge

Start the application in dev mode

Start client

cd client
npm run dev

Start express server

cd server
npm run start

Start web socket server

cd server
npm run start:websocket



Create an app that displays in real time 3 currency quotes (USD, EUR and GBP).

The app should have a login page with data validation on the server(can be mock data). All the other pages should not be reachable if the user is not authenticated.

Use Highcharts/Highstock for the charts.

Use websocket to update the page in realtime.

Also show a sortable and filterable table with the realtime latest values. Show the average and median for each currency.

Use VueJs for the framework. Use any other libraries that you need.


Create a NodeJs/Express server that pushes the data via websockets to the client(can be random data) and manages the authentication on the frontend.

Update intervals every 5 seconds.