
A port of https://www.github.com/sm64-port/sm64-port for the PS Vita

Primary LanguageC

Super Mario 64 Port

  • This repo contains a full decompilation of Super Mario 64 (J), (U), (E), and (SH).
  • Naming and documentation of the source code and data structures are in progress.
  • Beyond Nintendo 64, it can also target the PS Vita.

This repo does not include all assets necessary for compiling the game. A prior copy of the game is required to extract the assets.

Building for the Vita

Savedata is stored at ux0:data/sm64_save_file.bin. cont.m64 can be put either into the same folder, or into ux0:app/PCSE64001/ for TAS input.


For running this on the PS Vita you will first need to extract the runtime shader compiler. Follow this guide for help with that.

Ubuntu or WSL

  • sudo apt install -y git build-essential pkg-config
  • sudo apt install python-is-python3

Build Instructions

  1. Install Vita SDK

If you encounter error Invalid hostname error while running bootstrap-vitasdk.sh then make changes to the file: vdpm\include\install-vitasdk.sh


get_download_link () {
  wget -qO- https://github.com/vitasdk/vita-headers/raw/master/.travis.d/last_built_toolchain.py | python - $@

After modification:

get_download_link () {
  wget -qO- https://github.com/vitasdk/vita-headers/raw/master/.travis.d/last_built_toolchain.py | $(which python||which python3) - $@
  1. Clone the repo, which will create a directory and then enter it
  • git clone https://github.com/Dima353/sm64-vita.git
  • cd sm64-vita
  1. Place a Super Mario 64 ROM called baserom.<VERSION>.z64 into the repository's root directory for asset extraction, where VERSION can be us, jp, or eu.
  2. Building
    • Run ./build_deps.sh to build and install dependencies. This only has to be done once.
    • Run make TARGET_VITA=1 vpk to build the game. Add -j4 to improve build time.
  3. The installable vpk will be located at build/us_vita/sm64.<VERSION>.vpk
  4. To add patches, look in README.md along the path: sm64-vita\enhancements

Known Issues

  1. TAS Input stops working if the app is suspended or the Vita is put to sleep.


If you want to make it better, fork it and make it better. Thanks.


  • WOLFwang for making the livearea assets.
  • fgsfds for the initial effort towards porting to the vita.
  • The original sm64decomp team for this impressive decompilation.
  • The sm64-port team for the work towards porting the decomp to other platforms.
  • Rinnegatamante for making the vitaGL library, it made this port alot easier.
  • bythos14 for the initial port
  • martepato Fixing the bythos14 repo