
Map coordinates input widget for Yii 2

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Map coordinates input widget for Yii 2

This extension renders an input with Google map or Yandex map and allows to set coordinates quickly by clicking on the map.

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Install extension through composer:

composer require alexantr/yii2-coordinates-input


At first set Google Maps API key in application config. Additionally you can set Yandex Maps language and initial coordinates for all maps.

    'components' => [
        'assetManager' => [
            'bundles' => [
                'alexantr\coordinates\CoordinatesAsset' => [
                    'googleMapsApiKey' => 'UBcsRlxWxBjmZBvrW154fXJ4eJeeO4TFMp9pRLi', // <- put api key here
                    'yandexMapsLang' => 'en_US',
                    'initialCoordinates' => [-53.106392, 73.528748], // [latitude, longitude]
                    'initialZoom' => 8, // Default is 10


The following code in a view file would render an input with Google map:

<?= alexantr\coordinates\CoordinatesInput::widget(['name' => 'attributeName']) ?>

If you want to use this input widget in an ActiveForm, it can be done like this:

<?= $form->field($model, 'attributeName')->widget(alexantr\coordinates\CoordinatesInput::className(), ['yandexMaps' => true]) ?>

All widget options with default values:

<?= alexantr\coordinates\CoordinatesInput::widget([
    'name' => 'attributeName',
    // there is
    'options' => ['class' => 'form-control coordinates-input'],
    'mapOptions' => ['class' => 'coordinates-map-container'],
    'initialCoordinates' => null,
    'initialZoom' => null,
    'yandexMaps' => false, // Set to true to use Yandex maps instead Google maps
]) ?>

Value of initialCoordinates can be in two formats: [53.923172, 27.540036] or ['lat' => 53.923172, 'lng' => 27.540036].