
Summon a random meme at will

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Meme API (forked from R3l3ntl3ss/Meme_Api)

JSON API for a random meme scraped from reddit.

To see a sample check out https://meme-reddit-api.herokuapp.com/sample

API Link : https://meme-reddit-api.herokuapp.com/gimme

Example Response:

    'postLink': 'https://redd.it/9vqgv2',
    'subreddit': 'memes',
    'title': 'Good mor-ning Reddit!...',
    'url': 'https://i.redd.it/yykt3r9zsex11.png'

Custom Endpoints

Specify Subreddit:

By default the API grabs a random meme from 'memes', 'dankmemes', 'meirl', 'pewdiepiesubmissions' subreddits. To provide your own custom subreddit use the following endpoint.

Endpoint: /gimme/{subreddit}

Example: https://meme-reddit-api.herokuapp.com/gimme/dankmemes