
Simple setup with Eureka server and a few clients

Primary LanguageJava


Simple setup with Eureka server, Zuul, Spring Config Server and a few clients

Eureka-Server is also a Zuul proxy

FIY: DB service it's a fake. There no real db connections. Add if you need it.



How to open project in Intelij IDEA:

Import project:

  1. File -> Open -> eureka-server/pom.xml (open as project)
  2. Maven Projects -> Add Maven Projects (+) -> news-service/pom.xml
  3. Maven Projects -> Add Maven Projects (+) -> db-service/pom.xml
  4. Maven Projects -> Add Maven Projects (+) -> config-server/pom.xml

Configure Local Git Repo:

  1. Create folder at ${user.home}/spring-cloud-config-repo

Path can be changed with param spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri in a config-server/src/main/resources/application.config

Windows: C:/Users/Username
Linux: /home/user

  1. Copy all files from configRepo project folder to ${user.home}/spring-cloud-config-repo
  2. Go to ${user.home}/spring-cloud-config-repo and exec next commands
git init
git add .
git commit -m "init"

Now run every instance in your IDE:

  • EurekaServerApplication
  • ConfigServerApplication
  • NewsServiceApplication
  • DbServiceApplication

How to test: