Sinatra Bootstrap
A simple Sinatra starting point
Sinatra Bootstrap supports:
What is the purpose of Sinatra Bootstrap?
I created Sinatra Bootstrap in order to have a consistent starting point for my Sinatra projects. I like having Haml, Sass and Compass available to me in every project, likewise jQuery makes its way into every production as well. A number of helpful rake tasks have also been included.
How do I get started?
bundle install
How do I start the application?
Start the app by running:
rake s
This rake command runs bundle exec shotgun
behind the scenes for you and starts the app on Sinatra's default port 9393 and will now be able to view the application in your web browser at this URL http://localhost:9393.
You'll also want to open a new terminal window to the same directory and run compass watch
to watch the Sass files for changes.
Helper Rake Tasks
There are a few helper Rake tasks that will help you to clear and compile your Sass stylesheets as well as a few other helpful tasks. There is also a generate task, so you can generate a new project at a defined location based on the bootstrap.
rake -T
rake css:clear # Clear the CSS
rake css:compile # Compile CSS
rake css:compile:prod # Compile CSS for production
rake generate # Generate a new project at dir=foo
rake s # Run the app
If you are working with SASS, execute
compass watch stylesheets/screen.sass
so Compass can compile your SASS on the fly.
git remote add production
git push heroku master