
an extension that allows you to store in LS some movies and TV-show IDs fetched from omdb api and also look for torrent links on eztv for those movies and shows

Primary LanguageVue


an extension for your browser to download tv series and shows provided by famous eztv group. It is avalaible in chrome/firefox. This extensions includes various features which can be seen on screenshots below


Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/eztv-ext/opkjfbndmlgelahollaapbhhlfpfcomo?hl=ru&authuser=0 FireFox: https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/eztv-fast-and-easy/

first launch:

Alt text


Alt text


Alt text


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on error:

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Alt text

npm run serve - dev auto refresh
npm run build - build
  • filter fetched data so only SERIES and maybe TVSHOWS are displayed (NO MOVIES) (13.10.2020) ✅
  • add input to change pages manually (13.10.2020) ✅
  • add some credits | link for eztv api (13.10.2020) ✅
  • favorites list should update every time torrent search is performed, so the searched item has index 0; (13.10.2020) ✅(array of id's will update every time fav's item search performed, re-render will hapen every app restart, imidiate rerender is commented in store/favorites.js as it's not good user experience probably)
    🐄🐄🐄+ release v.0.1.5🐄🐄🐄
  • add info about latest downloaded file or magnet somewhere - created a page for downloads history, it has table, filter input and pagination, fields include file link, date downloaded and file name. (08.11.2020) ✅
    🐄🐄🐄+ release v.0.1.6🐄🐄🐄
  • fixed local storage & downloads history issue + added google analytics (14.11.2020)✅
    🐄🐄🐄+ release v.0.1.7🐄🐄🐄
  • should be able to perform torrents search from history downlds table (18.11.2020)✅
  • [х] implement filter by name for favorites and eztv items; (23.11.2020)✅
  • think of way to group nav buttons ( maybe something from bootstrap) (21.11.2020)✅
    🐄🐄🐄+ release v.0.2.2🐄🐄🐄