
My text HowTo's files for personal and public use


This repository dedicated to my HowTo's tips and tricks. Also I plan to publish the installation procedures and other things which could be written in Mark Down (MD) text files.

I have noticed that instructions are often fragmentary and I have to spend hours searching for the right information. These HowTo's texts are my attempt to solve this problem at least for myself. If it helps others - WELCOME. These texts can be adjusted over time.

File descriptions

  • ArchEeePC_MBRlvm: Arch Linux installation procedure (step by step) for EeePC 900 netbook computer line from Asus, and a part of the Asus Eee product family. At the time of its introduction in late 2007, it was noted for its combination of a lightweight, Linux-based operating system, solid-state drive (SSD), and relatively low cost. LVM install on BIOS based system.

  • ArchMBP_UEFIlvm: Arch Linux installation procedure (step by step) for Mac Book Pro (MBP). LVM install on UEFI based system.

  • ArchMBP_UEFIstd: Arch Linux installation procedure (step by step) for Mac Book Pro (MBP). Standard install on UEFI based system.

  • Gentoo_GPTstd: Gentoo installation procedure (step by step) for PC platform or virtual machine (VM). The official documentation is located HERE. Standard install on BIOS based system.

  • Gentoo_GPTlvm: Gentoo installation procedure (step by step) for PC platform or virtual machine (VM). The official documentation is located HERE. LVM install on BIOS based system.

  • Gentoo_GPTlvmSysD: Gentoo installation procedure (step by step) for PC platform or virtual machine (VM). The official documentation is located HERE. LVM install with SystemD as init system.

  • All Documents:
    Note: The HowTo's installations process was tested by me on real HARDWARE. The texts may contain BUGs and may NOT always behave as expected. My instructions may not be appropriate for your equipment or hardware. You were warned ;).
    Requires : The necessary hardware described in HowTo files.

  • To be continued...


This text has been written by ©2020 DimiG