
TG Bot that swaps faces of multiple images

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Adjuface - Telegram Face Swapping Bot

Adjuface Logo

Adjuface is a Telegram bot that allows users to swap faces in images. With Adjuface, you can easily create humorous and creative images by swapping faces in photos. The bot is equipped with various features and capabilities to provide an enjoyable face-swapping experience.


For better quality click the link

Table of Contents

Getting Started


To run Adjuface locally or on your own server, you will need the following:

  • Python 3.7+
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 14 Build tools
  • Telegram bot token
  • ONNX model file (train your own or follow this insightface guidline to get)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Dimidizio/Adjuface.git
  2. Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set up your bot token: Create a bot on Telegram and obtain your API token.

  2. Create a config.yaml file in the project directory and add your token:

  1. Create a target_images.json file with your categories for your target images and address as well as collages for your categories:
  "categories": {
    "art": [
        "mode": "1",
        "name": "Peter the Great",
        "filepath": PATH_TO_THE_IMAGE
"collages": {

  1. Create a contacts.yaml file in the project /bot directory and add your token:
github: github.com/Dimildizio
my_id: 12345678
cryptohash: bc1j7f93nc7s4nc74n32sc43nu3tc
bot_name: YOUR_BOT_NAME
  1. Go to the /face_carver folder, put your onnx file there (default is inswapper_128.oonx) and run Fast API
    cd face_carver
    uvicorn swapper:app --reload
  2. Run main.py to start the bot


Adjuface supports various commands that users can send in their Telegram chats to interact with the bot. Here are some common commands:

  • /start: Start the bot.
  • /help: Display help and available commands.
  • /status: Check your account limits.
  • /menu: Select a category of pictures for face swapping.
  • /buy_premium: Add 100 images and set your account to premium.
  • /target: Premium option to add your custom target image.
  • /contacts: Show the bot owner's contacts from contacts.yaml
  • /support: Send a support request to the bot owner.
  • /donate: Support the bot owner.

Face Swapping

To swap faces in an image, simply send a photo to the bot. If the image contains faces, the bot will process it and return the swapped image(s). If you have custom target images, you can specify which face to swap with.


Here is an instruction to use @Adjuface_bot TG bot



Here are some examples of face swapping using Adjuface:


Work In Progress



Contributions to Adjuface are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request. We appreciate your help in making Adjuface even better.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.