- A simply rough pipeline implementation in Typescript
- 0.0.1alpha-dev
npm i DimitriGilbert/pipeline-ts [--save]
Everything that takes a payload as parameter is called an executor and can be piped in a pipeline, you can also pipe a pipeline instead of an executor, hell, you can even pipe arrays of executors, or pipelines, or both ! What if you need more controle over your stage add a execution condition or filter the payload ? you can do that using the stage object !
import * as pipelineTs from 'DimitriGilbert/pipiline-ts'
// create en executor
let executor: pipelineTs.Stage.StageExecutor = (
payload: pipelineTs.Payload.Payload,
parent?: pipelineTs.Pipeline.ParentPipelineInterface,
index?: number
): pipelineTs.Payload.Payload => {
payload.myData = {
message: "some new data in the payload"
return payload
let executorPromised: pipelineTs.Stage.StageExecutor = (
payload: pipelineTs.Payload.Payload,
parent?: pipelineTs.Pipeline.ParentPipelineInterface,
index?: number
): Promise<pipelineTs.Payload.Payload> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
payload.myPromisedData = {
message: "promised data"
// your starting payload
let myPayload: pipelineTs.Payload.Payload = {}
// create a pipeline
let pipeline = new pipelineTs.Pipeline.Pipeline()
// pipe executors
// process your payload with the pipeline
pipeline.process(myPayload).then((processedPayload) => {
// do something with your payload
}).catch((err) => {
// or maybe something went wrong
If you really want to you can :
- Write tests
- Review code
- Submit idea to improve quality/functionality (PR welcomed)