
Oh-my-zsh plugin for autocompletion of tugboat command

MIT LicenseMIT


Oh-My-Zsh plugin for autocompletion of tugboat command


  cd /into/your/downloads/folder
  git clone git@github.com:DimitriSteyaert/Zsh-tugboat.git
  cp -r Zsh-tugboat/tugboat ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins

Now edit your ~/.zshrc file and add tugboat to the line that has plugins=(). For example; mine is the following

plugins=(git cp history rake rsync brew bundler osx vagrant sublime rvm gem tugboat)

Now open a new terminal window and autocompletion for the tugboat command should work.


Just start hitting your TAB button and the arguments for the tugboat command should appear.


I added autocompletion of the droplets in your account for the command tugboat ssh. So hit

tugboat ssh TAB

and you will get a list of your droplets to choose from.


For help about the parameters on certain arguments you can just use

tugboat help TAB

to get a list of arguments where more information is available.