
This is an android library to get the weather forecast from OpenWeather using the OneCall API

Primary LanguageJava

OpenWeather, OneCallAPI Android Library

This is an android library to get the weather forecaset from OpenWeather using their OneCall API.

Install the library

To get the library into your build:


Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

	dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.DimitrisKaltzidis:Open-Weather-One-Call-API:Version'


Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file


Step 2. Add the dependency



Replace the Version in the code above with the latest. Latest version:

How to use

Step 1. Get your API key

Make sure you registered and got your API key from openweathermap.

Step 2. Create an OneCallApiClient

Create the client with your api key from openweathermap.

  OneCallApiClient oneCallApiClient = new OneCallApiClient("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE");

Step 3. Prepare an OneCallApiRequest

Use the OneCallApiRequest.Builder class to build your request. The builder constructor requires the latitude and longitude of the location of your interest.

 OneCallApiRequest oneCallApiRequest = new OneCallApiRequest.Builder(37.971580, 23.726766)

The builder contains methods to tailor the request to your needs such as:

unit() to configure the units the results will be in. Possible values are: standard, metric, imperial

lang() to configure the lang the results will be in. For a list of possible values check this doc: Multilingual support

exlude() to configure the excluded Weather parts from the results. Possible values are: current, minutely, hourly, daily, alerts Make sure you don't exclude the same Weather part twice.

Step 4. Make the call and get the result

The final step to get your result is to call the makeOneCallApiRequest method of the OneCallApiClient. The result of the call will be available using the OnWeatherResponseReceivedListener. Feel free to implement the interface and get your Weather response. The OnWeatherResponseReceivedListener contains two methods the onSuccessfulResponse where you can find the response if the call to retrieve the forecast was successful and the onFailedResponse if the call failed. Hopefully the Throwable t will give you an idea regarding what went wrong 😊.

 oneCallApiClient.makeOneCallApiRequest(oneCallApiRequest, new OnWeatherResponseReceivedListener() {
            public void onSuccessfulResponse(OneCallApiResponse response) {
                // Feel free to use the response as you like.

            public void onFailedResponse(Throwable t) {
                // The call failed the throwable will contain information regarding what went wrong. 

To sum up

Feel free to use this library as you like. You can find additional information regarding the OneCallAPI here