
Python, Django, Postgresql

Primary LanguagePython


Python, Django, Postgresql

Installation guide for MacOS

Packages to be installed:

  1. Python 3.7.2
  2. Django 2.1.5
  3. Postgresql 11


  1. Install homebrew
  2. Install python3
    brew install python3
  3. Check python version:
    python3 -V
    should give python 3.7.2\
  4. Install Django
    pip3 install django
  5. Check django version:
    python3 -m django --version
    should give you 2.1.5
  6. Install postgres
    brew install postgresql
  7. Create runner database in postgres from command line
    createdb djangorunner
    This will create a database called djangorunner in postgres and we later connect to this db from our python project.
  8. Now you are ready to clone the project from github. I use pycharm community version for coding and terminal for running django commands.
  9. After cloning the project, open the project in pycharm. Go to runner/settings.py and find the following lines:
    'default': {
    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
    'NAME': 'djangorunner',
    'USER': 'dimple',
    'PASSWORD': '******',
    'HOST': '',
    'PORT': '5432'
    Change the user and password to your mac user and password.
  10. Now go to the command line and cd into the project.
  11. pip3 install djangorestframework
  12. pip3 install django-filter
  13. python3 manage.py makemigrations
  14. python3 manage.py migrate
  15. python3 manage.py runserver
  16. On your browser go to localhost:8000. You should see rest framework
  17. localhost:8000/admin will give you django administration.