# Create build objects
make s2i-build
# Start the build either from cli or from ui
oc start-build -F ui
Demo 2 - Custom build
# Create build objects
make s2i-build
# Start the build either from cli or from ui
oc start-build -F ui
Demo 2 - S2I build with trigger
# Create build objects
make s2i-build
# Start the build either from cli or from ui
oc start-build -F ui
Demo 3 - Simple deploy
# Deploy backend
make deploy-backend
# Deploy frontend
make deploy-frontend
Demo 4 - build and deploy with trigger
# remove frontend if it's exists
make remove-frontend
# Create S2i build with webhook trigger
make s2i-build-trigger
# edit code and commit changed, the build should start automatically # deploy frontend
make deploy-frontend
# tag latest image with commit id
COMMIT_ID=$(oc get istag kbit-ui:latest -o json | jq -r ".image.dockerImageMetadata.Config.Labels.\"io.openshift.build.commit.id\""| cut -c1-7)
oc tag kbit-ui:latest kbit-ui:${COMMIT_ID}# edit code again to trigger new build, and retag again
COMMIT_ID=$(oc get istag kbit-ui:latest -o json | jq -r ".image.dockerImageMetadata.Config.Labels.\"io.openshift.build.commit.id\""| cut -c1-7)
oc tag kbit-ui:latest kbit-ui:${COMMIT_ID}# Update latest tag
oc tag kbit-ui:commit-id kbit-ui:latest