
An ETL Python Script that performs the ETL process of JSON Data, transforms it to DataFrame, then loads it into CSV files.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ETL Python Script in semi-structured data

An ETL Python Script that performs the ETL process of JSON Data, transforms it to DataFrame, then loads it into CSV files.

Project Description:

A script that transforms the JSON files to a DataFrame and commits each file to a separate CSV file in the target directory.

The Script does the following:

  • Reads JSON file from a directory using positional specific argument.
  • Extracts the data, cleans, and transforms it.
  • Checks if the files have any duplicates and remove them.
  • Uses the optional argument "-u" to maintain the UNIX format for the timestamp.
  • Prints a message after converting each file with the number of rows transformed and the path of the file.
  • Creates CSV files that contain the final output in a CSV format.
  • Prints the total execution time.

Problem Description:

In 2012, URL shortening service Bitly partnered with the US government website USA.gov to provide a feed of anonymous data gathered from users who shorten links ending with .gov or .mil.

The text file comes in JSON format and with some keys and their description.

  • a Denotes information about the web browser and operating system.
  • tz time zone.
  • r URL the user come from.
  • u URL where the user headed to.
  • t Timestamp when the user start using the website in UNIX format.
  • hc Timestamp when user exit the website in UNIX format.
  • cy City from which the request intiated.
  • ll Longitude and Latitude.

The output CSV files have the following columns:

  • web_browser The web browser that has requested the service.
  • operating_sys operating system that intiated this request.
  • from_url The main URL the user came from in a short format.
  • to_url The main URL the user went to in a short format.
  • city The city from which the the request was sent.
  • longitude The longitude where the request was sent.
  • latitude The latitude where the request was sent.
  • time_zone The time zone that the city follow.
  • time_in Time when the request started.
  • time_out Time when the request is ended.

Tools and Technologies:

  • Python
  • Pandas
  • NumPy
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • JSON