/* TOKENS */
The list of tokens: 0 = space; - content is null 1 = word; 2 = ' single quotes string; 3 = " double quotes string; 4 = < infile redirection; - content is nullcheckout 5 = > outfile redirection; - content is null 6 = << heredoc sign; IF THERE IS NO SINGLE QUOTES IN KEY WORD - content is null 7 = >> outfile append redirection; - content is null 8 = | pipe; - content is null 9 = << heredoc sign; IF THERE ARE QUOTES IN KEY WORD (SO NO EXPANTION INSIDE) - content is null
Error codes: 2 - malloc fails 1 - fd fails
Builtin codes: 0 - no builtin 1 - echo 2 - cd 3 - pwd 4 - export 5 - unset 6 - env 7 - exit
Builtin prototypes: ft_echo(sh) ft_cd(sh) ft_pwd(sh) ft_export(sh) ft_unset(sh) ft_env(sh) ft_exit(sh)