Bunny-VisionPro: Bimanual Dexterous Teleoperation with Real-Time Retargeting using VisionPro

Runyu Ding · Yuzhe Qin · Jiyue Zhu · Chengzhe Jia
Shiqi Yang · Ruihan Yang . Xiaojuan Qi . Xiaolong Wang

This repository contains the server code for the Bunny-VisionPro project. For the client code, documentation, and examples, please refer to BunnyVisionPro.

If you encounter any problems using this code, please open an issue in our main repo.

🔧 Installation and Usage

Please refer to the documentation for detailed installation and usage instructions.

🐰 Citation

  author  = {Runyu Ding, Yuzhe Qin, Jiyue Zhu, Chengzhe Jia, Shiqi Yang, Ruihan Yang, Xiaojuan Qi, and Xiaolong Wang},
  title   = {Bunny-VisionPro: Bimanual Dexterous Teleoperation with Real-Time Retargeting using Vision Pro},
  year   = {2024}