A simple node module that wraps the functionalities of a smith-waterman implementation written in C
The original program written in C is found here.
You can install smith-waterman-wrapper by running,
npm install smith-waterman-wrapper
Align two unaligned sequences
.alignPair( sequence1, sequence2, matchScore, misMatchScore, gapScore, callback )
callback passed (err, data)const smithW = require('smith-waterman-wrapper'); var sequence1 = 'AADBFGTRHYSRRFDERS'; var sequence2 = 'AADGTDRSYSRFFDERTS'; var matchScore = 1; var misMatchScore = -1; var gapScore = -1; smithW.alignPair(sequence1,sequence2,matchScore,misMatchScore,gapScore,function(err,data){ if(err){ console.log(err); }else{ console.log(data); } });
Align 2 sequences and output alignment along with score matrix
- .alignPairGetMatrix (sequence1, sequence2, matchScore, misMatchScore, gapScore, callback) callback passed (err, data)
Align sequence file (Read 2 sequences at a time and align them)
.alignFile (inputFile, matchScore, misMatchScore, gapScore, callback) callback passed (err, data)
const smithW = require('smith-waterman-wrapper'); var inputFile = 'samples/examples.fasta'; var matchScore = 1; var misMatchScore = -1; var gapScore = -1; smithW.alignFile(inputFile, matchScore, misMatchScore, gapScore, function(err,data){ if(err){ console.log(err); }else{ console.log(data); } });
Align sequence file and output pairwise alignment along with score matrix
- .alignFileGetMatrix (inputFile, matchScore, misMatchScore, gapScore, callback) callback passed (err, data)
NOTE: You can build the bundled binary executable by running,
node util/psaToolBuilder.js