
Search Engine project from FEUP's UC PRI

Primary LanguageHTML

Project README

This project folder contains the following files and directories:

  • fill_events.py: Python script for gathering the participants and many other attributes of each event from Wikidata as well as a summary from Wikipedia.
  • list_statement_types.py: Python script for listing every unique statement type/attribute in the wikidata dump to select the ones that are relevant to the project.
  • pipeline.py: Python script for data processing.

Retrieved Queries Directory

The "retrieved_queries" directory contains data files obtained from Wikidata queries.

  • historicEvents.json: Contains data related to historical events.
  • historicEvents_with_statements.json: Contains data related to historical events with data from wikidata and wikipedia.

Outputs Directory

The "outputs" directory contains data files obtained from the pipeline result.

  • data.json: Contains data from "events_w_wikipedia_summaries.json" merged with the data from "wikidata_queries.json"
  • data.csv: Contains data from "data.json" in CSV format

How to Use

fill_events.py can be used to gather the participants and many other attributes of each event from Wikidata as well as a summary from Wikipedia. Sometimes the requests fail, so the program collects the ids of the failed wikidata entries that can be used as a filter in the next run.

list_statement_types.py is used to list every unique statement type/attribute in the wikidata dump to select the ones that are relevant to the project. Feel free to add more details or customize the README to fit the specific context of your project.

You can use the pipeline.py script to process data from the "retrieved_queries" directory.