
Aligns faces to the canonical face in both videos and images

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The face processor provides the neccessary tools for aligning faces. It can be used to align faces in both images and videos (only one face per frame). It accepts landmark files or it can use a landmark extractor to get the landmarks (this is slower). It requires the installation of this face alignment library.

Installing the face processor

To install the face processor: pip install .

Aligning faces in images

python main.py -i pics_folder -m mean_face -p -o out_folder --offset 0.11 0.335 0.155

Aligning faces in videos

python main.py -i video_folder -m mean_face.npy -o out_folder -l landmarks_file -w smoothing_window -s scale --offset 0.11 0.336 0.155