
Create a backup of your Spotify playlists

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Create a duplicate of your Spotify playlists, easily both from Node.JS or a web interface.

Web interface

Try it: https://dinoosauro.github.io/Backupify/

The Web Interface is an easy way to manage your playlists. After logging in with Spotify API, you'll be able to choose with a checkbox which playlist(s) to backup. image

After this, click on the "Continue with the backup" button. You'll be asked to choose a name for these new playlists. image

Now, you can start with the playlist backup. Click on the green button and the website will manage your backup. In a few seconds, everything'll be done! image

Command-line tool

You can run Backupify also from the command line, using Node.JS. Make sure to add your own Client ID in the console.js file. The script will automatically create a server on localhost, that'll be used for authenticating with Spotify API. Make sure to add http://localhost:15200/next.html as the Redirect URI in your Spotify console.

Passing playlist with playlist.json

You can choose the playlists to duplicate by creating a playlist.json file. This JSON will need to contain the playlist ID as a key, and the name of the duplicate playlist as a value. For example

  "37i9dQZF1DXcBWIGoYBM5M": "Today's Top Hits",
  "37i9dQZF1DX4JAvHpjipBk": "New Music Friday"

Passing playlist directly from the script

If you don't have a playlist.json file, the script will use the playlist object the clientOptions variable. You can add there playlist IDs and names by following the same syntax as a JSON file.


Everything is done in your browser. The only connections made from Backupify are to Google Fonts, for displaying the 'Work Sans' font, and to Spotify, to get, create and add items to the playlists.