
Primary LanguageC++

Adaptive Indexing in High-Dimensionl Metric Spaces


Compile using make all distFunc=<option> where <option> can be one of the following distance functions:

  • L1, for Manhattan Distance
  • L2, for Euclidean Distance
  • ED, for Edit Distance

Two executable files are generated; range for range queries and knn for kNN queries. See examples below for correct usage.


We tried to be as consistent as possible when it comes to parameters:

Parameters README
-l Linear scan. When used for kNN queries, use -n to set the number of neighbors.
-s Standard version. When used for kNN queries, use -n to set the number of neighbors.
-m Standard version with mediocre cracking. When used for kNN queries, use -n to set the number of neighbors.
-c Standard version with mediocre cracking and Caching
-t Threshold value to be used
-n Number of neighbors for kNN queries

Note that for kNN queries only methods -l, -s, -m are available.


  • tree/AVtree.h and tree/AVtreeStrings.h:

    Contains all the required methods for the tree index structure.

  • main_range.cpp:

    Contains the code used for the range query experiments.

    • Linear scan
      $ ./range -l datasets/mnist50D_data.txt datasets/mnist50D_queries.txt
    • Standard mediocre with caching with 128 threshold
      $ ./range -c -t 128 datasets/mnist50D_data.txt datasets/mnist50D_queries.txt 
  • main_knn.cpp:

    Contains the code used for the kNN query experiments.

    • Linear scan, 5 nearest neighbors
      $ ./knn -l -n 5 datasets/mnist50D_data.txt datasets/mnist50D_queries.txt 
    • Standard mediocre with caching with 128 threshold, 5 nearest neighbors
      $ ./knn -m -t 128 -n 5 datasets/mnist50D_data.txt datasets/mnist50D_queries.txt