Dintero Eslint Config

This is a suggestion ment as a basis, please make suggestions for changes either via comment, pr, or otherwise.

It's based on eslint's recommended config and separated by usecases, primarily frontend (react) and backend projects combined with javascript/typescript.


Includes many rules that aims to catch bugs/errors or bad practices: such as

  • prefer const (No var and no let if variable is never re-assigned)
  • no-global-assign
  • no-duplicate-imports
  • no-extraneous-dependencies (prevents importing packages not listed as dependencies but otherwise available)
  • eqeqeq (use === and !== instead of == and !=)
  • no-eval
  • no-implicit-global
  • no-unmodified-loop-condition

see more at https://github.com/kunalgolani/eslint-config/blob/master/packages/esnext/index.yaml


Having this repo/package as a dev-dependency, create an .eslintrc.json file with the following: (example for a React project)

    "extends": [ "dintero/react" ]