
self-hosted Renovate with AWS CodeBuild

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This project enables self-hosting Renovate on AWS.


The cloudformation/renovate.yml template supports following parameters:

Parameter Description Default
RenovateRepositories comma separated list of repositories to run against
RenovateVersion renovate version to use latest
RenovateFlags see --help for details about supported flags
RenovatePlatform the platform github
RenovateSchedule schedule the renovate ScheduleExpressions cron(45 23 ? * 1-5 *)
RenovatePlatformToken token for the platform (github or gitlab)
TimeoutInMinutes timeout for renovate build 10
ComputerType computer to to use with renovate BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL
Image build image used aws/codebuild/nodejs:10.1.0


This project will setup an AWS CodeBuild project which will run Renovate on your GitHub or GitLab repositories.

Use the awscli to create the stack from the cloudformation/renovate.yml template or just click the "Launch Stack" button.

aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name renovate \
    --template-body "file://$(pwd)/cloudformation/renovate.yml" \
    --parameters ...

Launch CloudFormation Stack