Online Commerce Database Project

University Project

Class: Databases
Objective: Designing a Database for an Online Commerce Application
Grade: 16/20
Institute: Instituto Superior TĂ©cnico
Year: 2023


Welcome to the Online Commerce Database Project! This project, part of the Databases class, involved three distinct parts, each focusing on different aspects of database design, relational modeling, SQL queries, and advanced database features.

Part 1: Entity-Relationship Model

In the first part of the project, the goal was to conceive a concise, coherent, and organized Entity-Relationship (E-R) model to meet the information requirements of an application in the domain of online commerce. The provided E-R model follows the graphical notation, detailing the entity sets, relationships, and specifying the appropriate Integrity Constraints.

Part 2: Relational Model and Queries

The second part of the project involved designing the Relational Model corresponding to the proposed E-R model in the domain of an "online commerce company." Additionally, queries were developed using Relational Algebra and SQL to interact with the relational model, ensuring that the database supports the necessary functionalities.

Part 3: Complex Integrity Constraints, Advanced Queries and Web Application

The third part of the project consisted of developing complex integrity constraints, designing advanced SQL queries, creating a prototype web application using Jungle, and formulating OLAP queries. This phase aimed to showcase an in-depth understanding of database concepts, including constraints, querying, application integration, and OLAP.