🎗Creating a REST API with typescript and Nodejs
The user must be able to create a new transaction;
The user must be able to obtain a summary of his account;
The user must be able to list all transactions that have already occurred;
User must be able to view a single transaction
The transaction can be done as a credit that will add to the total amount, or debit will subtract;
It must be possible to identify the user between requests;
User can only view transactions which he created
To run the code in development mode, you need to have the following technologies installed:
- Node.js
- TypeScript
- Fastify
- Knex
- Sqlite
- Zod
- Clone the repository.
- Install the dependencies using npm install.
- Run the TypeScript compiler in watch mode using npm run dev.
- And the server will already be running
- Use some tool to make requests and visualize them like postman or insomnia
We want to thank the following people who contributed to this project:
Diogo-gallina: https://github.com/Diogo-gallina