Facebook Messenger - App Clone

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This is README for 1.0 version of Facebook Mesenger Clone (React based).

Live demo

Web App

Features v1.0

  • Username option
  • Live messages sharing


  • Create app on Firebase
  • Start your react app locally
  • Add firebase hosting to your app
  • Functionality features creation
  • Material UI
  • Add ability to send message
  • Add ability to send message
  • Connection firebase with the app
  • CSS styling
  • Deploying

1. Clone repository

Install using npm:

git clone https://github.com/Xavi002/messenger-clone.git

or using yarn:

yarn add redoc

2. Opoen project folder

cd messenger-clone
code .

3. Install dependencies

Install using npm:

npm i

or using yarn:

yarn add 

4. Start project

Install using npm:

npm start

or using yarn:

yarn start

5. Enjoy 😄