
15-puzzle game solver in c++ as an AI class assignment

Primary LanguageC++


Program description: In this program “jogo15.cpp” we have some search algorithms, being them: DFS, BFS,IDFS, greedy and A*. For the last 2 we use two different heuristics: misplaced tiles and Manhattan distance. The nodes, which represent the configurations on the tree are repesented on a class, which has an array with the position of each tile, the position with no tile (0),depth and a string with the path to the final node.

Requeriments: C++ complier version 11. OS linux. (to use the function which prints the memory used)

Compiling and execution tips: Compiling: g++ -std=c++11 all.cpp Executing: ./a.out

Executing: Is't going to be asked the start and finish configuration, which should be given the following way: “1 2 3 4 5 6 8 12 13 9 0 7 14 11 10 15”.

Notice: how to change each method: In the function main there are different methods commented, like this: “bool ok = method name;”. To test each one of them you need to uncomment the method you want to use.

Author UP Number
Diogo Pereira 201605323
Afonso Fernandes 201696852