A Tinder-like Android library to create the swipe cards effect. You can swipe left or right to like or dislike the content.
- 2
Next Card doesn't swipe on first touch.
#206 opened by ahsansuhail - 0
- 0
#218 opened by manyachaudhary - 0
Gradle please is obsolete
#217 opened by NISVANS60 - 1
Get index of selected Item
#216 opened - 0
Fragment in card
#202 opened by 16pxdesign - 2
- 0
How to Implement this Library on a Fragmen?
#215 opened - 6
Undo functionality
#168 opened by Diolor - 3
Image loaded, with glide, flickers
#185 opened by alexander-ignatow - 0
Not set again adaptorin SwipeFlingAdapterView
#214 opened by mehrdadpilevar - 0
NullPointerException because ArrayAdapter is null when flingswipe tries to set it
#213 opened by vitorpotato - 3
Can not fling or move if layout card have clickable.
#191 opened by danhdong - 2
Swipe card going over the buttons at the buttons
#193 opened by pasaden1 - 0
Is there an eta for 2.0.0?
#211 opened by SvenSv - 0
How to display text while dragging image?
#210 opened by avibaghel - 0
How to update the button state in top card?
#209 opened by kanivel - 0
- 0
- 0
How to clear when nothing to load?
#205 opened by gelodgreat - 1
How to alter min adapter stack?
#204 opened by gelodgreat - 0
Creating a SwipeFlingAdapterView with a CardView fragment that uses YouTube Thumbnail API
#203 opened by ShaldonSwiidAppDesigns - 2
supports text only
#199 opened by sharad9m - 0
- 3
Getting a crash
#198 opened by saurabhdtu - 0
Delay in loading new card
#195 opened by aamir-github - 0
- 1
always inflate view then cause OOM
#162 opened by Lihaihua - 3
Disable swipe & only listen for click
#192 opened by CptSparkz - 5
When I put "flingContainer.setAdapter(arrayAdapter);" into the OnCreate(), it can be seen when the activity start! But when I put "flingContainer.setAdapter(arrayAdapter);" into the OnClickListener of a button , the view cannot be seen!
#189 opened by jzqiao - 0
#190 opened by anthony-cannon - 1
It's not working over nougat moto g4 plus
#188 opened by antoniomerlin - 2
Dragging of card is slow
#186 opened by IOException722 - 2
Bring top card back on top of the stack after Left or Right Exit of Top card (After removing)
#181 opened by IOException722 - 0
Two cards are swiped at once
#187 opened by olvy - 1
Dont move the view up and down only left and right
#183 opened by i-m-aman - 0
Why is there is a need to specify a SwipeFlingStyle in your app's default theme?
#184 opened by bhargavms - 1
Support up down dirrections
#170 opened by Diolor - 1
Support Adapters with null child params
#166 opened by Diolor - 0
Usage in a RecyclerView
#180 opened by okacat - 0
Shwing hidden card from top card little
#178 opened by kmrabhay - 0
Support on view clicks
#169 opened by Diolor - 0
- 1
How to Rewind the card which was already swiped
#174 opened by kiranlanke - 0
Change the exit animations
#172 opened by Diolor - 2
Implementing undo functionality
#160 opened by arpitgoyal2008 - 1
is this support nest Viewpager?
#159 opened by sunkeding - 1
Custom adapter
#164 opened by Acorde - 1
Consuming TouchEvents on childviews fucks up the library, but by not consuming them, you only ever get ACTION_DOWN
#163 opened by SennaGehenna - 0
Variable cards size depending on screen size
#161 opened by syffs