
ROS Package for Constrained Mobile Manipulation Planning

ROS Packages for Task Constrained Mobile Manipulation Planning

This repository primarily contains an efficient sampling-based planning framework, called BI2RRT*, that extends the Informed RRT* of Gammell et al. towards bidirectional search, informed sampling for omnidirectional mobile manipulator robotic platforms and satisfaction of arbitrary geometric endeffector task constraints. The associated paper of the framework presented at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems can be found in Burget et al.

Use the "robot_motion.rosinstall" file for downloading the ROS packages for robot motion planning, control and trajectory execution distributed to different repositories:

  • robot_motion_planning: Motion Planning using different RRT-based planning algorithms (including the novel BI2RRT* planning framework)
  • robot_motion_control: Jacobian-based motion control algorithms (Jacobian damped-least squares etc.)
  • robot_motion_execution: Algorithms for executing the planned motion trajectories on a simulated and real robot platform
  • robot_motion_examples: Examples for planning and execution using the planning and execution server (provided by robot_motion_planning/robot_motion_execution package)


Create your workspace:

mkdir -p ~/my-ws/src

Copy the contents of "robot_motion.rosinstall" into a file ~/my-ws/src/.rosinstall

Fetch the code:

cd ~/my-ws/src
wstool update

Install the dependencies:

cd ~/my-ws
sudo rosdep init # only if never run before
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src
wstool update


cd ~/my-ws

Further information can be found in the README.md file of the robot motion planning, control and trajectory execution repository, respectively.