
List of technology related courses which have certificate of completition from their creators

Awesome official courses

In this repo you will find a list of online technology-related courses which have a certificate of completion whose owners are the owners / creators of those technologies. So, the requirements for the listed courses in this repo are:

  • The course should be official by the creators / owners / maintainers of the technology.
  • The course should have a free completion certificate.



Expiring soon

Programming Languages






  • ArangoDB Certification. ArangoDB is a Multi-Model Database. That means that it can work as a Key-Value, Document or Graph Database.

DB Versioning

  • Liquibase Fundamentals Certification. Liquibase is an open-source database schema change management solution which enables you to manage revisions of your database changes easily.


Big Data

  • Apache Kafka
    • Confluent Fundamentals for Apache Kafka®. Confluent is the company founded after Apache Kafka and its creation in LinkedIn. They are the main Apache Kafka vendor and huge supporters and contributors of Apache Kafka.

Data Analytics