
A small collection of rofi scripts to manage some basic utilities.

Primary LanguageShell


A small collection of rofi scripts to manage some basic utilities:

  • shutdown menu
  • screen brightness menu
  • xrandr menu
  • scrot menu
  • i3layout


  • rofi
  • scrot (only if you want to use scrotmenu.sh)
  • i3lock-fancy (although this can be omitted if you remove the line from powermenu.sh or use another locker)
  • i3 (just needed for i3layoutmenu.sh)


git clone https://github.com/cramermarius/rofi-menus/

cd rofi-menus

chmod +x scripts/*

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/

mkdir ~/.config/rofi/scripts/

cp scripts/* ~/.config/rofi/scripts/

cp bin/* /usr/local/bin/

sudo chown <username> /usr/local/bin/*menu

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/*menu


If you follow the installation completely, you will not only have downloaded the scripts themselves, but also bound them to a command so you can easily call them from the terminal or bind them to a keybind in you WM or DE configuration.

So you can either call the rofi menus by calling their commands in a terminal, like so:

powermenu or scrotmenu.

Since I use i3, here are my binds concerning these menus:

bindsym Mod4+Shift+p exec powermenu
bindsym F7 exec xrandrmenu
bindsym Control+F7 exec i3layoutmenu
bindsym F10 exec scrotmenu 


If you have i3 installed i3layoutmenu.sh should work out of the box.
If you have scrot installed scrotmenu.sh should work out of the box.
If you have xrandr installed xrandrmenu.sh should work out of the box.
If you have i3 (and i3lock-fancy) as well as systemd powermenu.sh should work out of the box.

In any case, with some light tinkering you can get all those menus to work with your system configuration, just swap out the specific commands. If you encounter any hurdles, feel free to open a GitHub issue.

brightnessmenu.sh is where things might go sour for OOTB-compatibility. You will need to change the path to your specific brightness file, there should also be file in the same directory called something along the lines of max-brightness, in it you will find your monitors maximum brightness setting. This number will have to be set in the $option4 (or max) option, the rest of the options are just numbers I (or you) feel comfortable with, so just experiment around a bit with those.



I took inspiration for this from vahnrr

Some other cool rofi menus:


Marius Cramer – marcramer[at]pm[dot]me
