
Many links now 404

Closed this issue · 3 comments

A large number of links in the docsite link to non-existent pages. For example, most of the examples on https://dioxuslabs.com/learn/0.6/cookbook/examples/.

These should be cleaned up. But perhaps we should also implement some kind of automated checker for this, that can notify when links disappear?

We have a link checker CI in the main Dioxus repo that could be added here and scheduled to run every few days.

Happens also on all these links under reference: https://dioxuslabs.com/learn/0.5/reference/

RSX Rsx is a HTML-like macro that allows you to declare UI
Components Components are the building blocks of UI in Dioxus
Props Props allow you pass information to Components
Event Listeners Event listeners let you respond to user input
User Input How to handle User input in Dioxus
Dynamic Rendering How to dynamically render data in Dioxus

Note how all the links I copy pasted above have .../reference/reference/...

They all return 404 and render home page, user needs to fix link by hand every page in the reference

Figured this out - our include_mdbook crate was generating the wrong urls.

We were getting this problem wrong: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5457885/relative-urls-and-trailing-slashes

I also just dropped the examples pages since they were full of crates that we don't support anymore.