
A collection of Linux command-line tools designed to facilitate the analysis of text-based data sets.

Primary LanguageGnuplotOtherNOASSERTION

                           DATA PRODUCTIVITY TOOLKIT 

 The Data Productivity Toolkit is a collection of linux command-line tools
 designed to facilitate the analysis of text-based data sets.  Modeled after the
 general linux pipeline tools such as awk, grep, and sed, the kit provides
 powerfull tools for selecting/combining data, performing statistics, and
 visualizing results.  The tools are all written in python and in many instances
 provide a command-line API to basic python and numpy/scipy/matplotlib routines.

 The Data Productivity Toolkit is written completely in python.  It does,
 however, require that the following third-party python modules be installed.
  - numpy
  - scipy
  - matplotlib
  - mpl-toolkits.basemap
  - mpl_toolkits.natgrid
  - jinja2
  - django

 1) Copy all files into a directory.  
 2) Add that directory to your path.
 3) In that directory, create a symbolic link with the name ppython.  It should
    point to the python install on your system that contains the modules listed
    above. (Note: it is a good idea to use a python install created by the 
    utitity virtualenv.  This will allow good flexibility for maintaining a
    version of python best suited to run the toolkit. Note that the package
    ships with a ppython symlink to /usr/bin/python.
 4) Make sure your install of matplotlib is capable of sending plots to the 
    screen.  You may have to set your matplotlib graphics back-end appropriately.

List of tools (run with -h option for documentaion)
 p.bar            Creates bar charts
 p.binit          Assigns data to 2 dimensional bin structure
 p.cat            Rearrages columnar data into key,x,y format
 p.catToTable     Create a table from data in key,x,y format
 p.cdf            Plots the cumulative distribution
 p.cl             An awk-like math utility
 p.color          Makes color scatter plots
 p.cumsum         Computes the cumulative sum of inputs   
 p.datetime       Converts text-based time stamps to seconds from an epoch
 p.dedup          Removes duplicate keys
 p.distribute     Distribute jobs across computers efficiently
 p.exec           Sequentially run commands read from stdin
 p.gps2utc        Convert gps time to utc time
 p.grab           Grab columns from a file with python-like indexing
 p.grabHeader     Extract the commented header from a file
 p.groupStat      Perform statistics over keyed subgroups of input
 p.hist           Plots a histogram 
 p.htmlWrap       Create an html wrapper for images in a directory
 p.interp         Does polynomial interpolation
 p.join           Join two files on specified key columns
 p.link           Link to files based on specified key columns
 p.linspace       Generate a linear spaced sequence of numbers
 p.map            Plot points on a map
 p.medianFilter   Runs data through a median filter
 p.minMax         Find min/max values in specified data column
 p.multiJoin      Join multiple files together based on key
 p.normalize      Normalizes input data
 p.parallel       Run commands in parallel
 p.parallelSSH    Run commands in parallel across several machines
 p.plot           Plot points on a graph
 p.quadAdd        Add all columns from stdin in quadrature
 p.quantiles      Compute quantiles from input data
 p.rand           Generate a sequence of random numbers
 p.rex            Bring python rex to the command line
 p.scat           Make a scatter plot of input data
 p.sed            A sed-like utility with python syntax
 p.shuffle        Randomly shuffle rows of data
 p.smooth         Smooth data
 p.sort           Sort data based on specified keys
 p.split          Split data based on a supplied delimeter  
 p.strip          Remove comments and/or nans from rows
 p.tableFormat    Nicely format input columns in a table format
 p.template       Bring jinja templates to the command line
 p.utc2gps        Convert utc time to gps time
 p.utc2local      Convert utc time to local time given a lon