
Sample programs with GO

Primary LanguageGo


Sample programs with GO

Download GO from -> https://golang.org/doc/install?download=go1.10.windows-386.msi

Hello World

go build 01-hello-world.go

This will create an .exe file. You can directly run go file by

go run 01-hello-world.go

Creating your first API

Make sure that you have GOPATH is set as your environment variable and it's a different than your GO instalation Now, install a module mux to route your request.

go get github.com/gorilla/mux

this will install a package into virtual environment. Now navigate to first-api.go file and build it. Run exe file and fireup http://localhost:8000/people. That was pretty quick. Now, I don't want that console when I run my application. Yes, you can do it by adding below flag

go build -ldflags "-H windowsgui" 03-first-api.go