
DChartView is customised Linechart for any representation, its build with coregraphics so no need to worry about load on you application, use it withs simple initialization and set your values, thats all...!!

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Title Description Author Tags
simple Line Chart Representation with Data.
Dipen Panchasara
Objective-c, IOS, iPhone, iPad


DChartView is customised Linechart for any representation, its build with coregraphics so no need to worry about load on you application, use it withs simple initialization and set your values, thats all...!!



How to use it

Step 1: Import Header to your ViewController

//#import "DPlotChart.h"

Step 2: Instantiate the object with frame

DPlotChart *plotChart = [[DPlotChart alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 70, 250, 300)];

Step 3: Pass NSOrdeset Object with Data

[plotChart createChartWith:arrHistoricData];

Step 4: Add Chart to your view

[self.view addSubview:plotChart];

Thats all, it will do remaining..

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