
Blocks of the Processor

  • This processor in a 16 bit processor with some sepcific features and some specific blocks. All the blocks together form the processor.

 - Execution Block
 - Program Memory Block
 - Instruction Memory Block
 - Register Bank Block
 - Data Memory Block
 - Stall Control Block
 - Write Back Block
 - Jump Control Block
 - Dependency Check Block

Block Diagram

Booth Algorithm(In the booth algo folder)

 - The main aim of including the feature of booth algorithm is that it performs the multiplication fast.The number of steps required for the product calculation of two numbers      are reduced significantly.
 - The reduction in the number of steps reduces the complexity thereby reducing the time for performing the multiplication algorithm.
 - It can be used for both positive and negative integers.
 - We have also tried to implement the cordic algorithm which is used for computation of trigonometric functions.
 - This algorithm uses simple add-shift operation with less complexity.

  • The CO_Lab.pptx contains detailed information about each and every block of the processor.


| Aanshi Patwari | Dipika Pawar | Miracle Rindani | Akshay Bhimani |