
Developing a solution for Gesture enabled commands for operating Laptops/PCs for frequently used operations on daily basis . For any user, authenticated by face recognition, few gestures could be defined for frequently used tasks- save, exit, print, screen-lock, screen unlock, system shut down, system restart. Save, print and exit operations are context sensitive meaning that it is applicable for current application. For example if word document is open and the gesture for save is done then the document will saved, if print gesture is done then printer dialog will open etc. Similarly a gesture could be defined for close/exit which will close the current application. If no application is opened then it will work as system shut down. It is similar to Alt+F4 key press functionality on windows PC.

Primary LanguagePython


Developing a solution for Gesture enabled commands for operating Laptops/PCs for frequently used operations on daily basis . For any user, authenticated by face recognition, few gestures could be defined for frequently used tasks- save, exit, print, screen-lock, screen unlock, system shut down, system restart. Save, print and exit operations are context sensitive meaning that it is applicable for current application. For example if word document is open and the gesture for save is done then the document will saved, if print gesture is done then printer dialog will open etc. Similarly a gesture could be defined for close/exit which will close the current application. If no application is opened then it will work as system shut down. It is similar to Alt+F4 key press functionality on windows PC.