
Extremely simple engine for managing users and performing MySQL queries.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Php nano engine, simple utility for managing users and mysql queries
Php nano engine, jednoduchý nástroj na správu používateľov a prácu s mysql požiadavkami
Version/Verzia 0.2

Written by/Napísal Martin Habovštiak <martin dot habovstiak at gmail dot com>


Q: Why you do another new php engine?
A: I was writting it for learning one newbie and then realised, I've written quite good
   engine, so I've decided to publish it.

Q: How to use it?
A: Look at samples.

Q: Why you haven't included <some feature>?
A: Probably because it's intended to be simple.

Q: Why you dont use OOP?
A: Because it's for learning basics with php.

Q: Your code sucks!
A: You are free to send patches.

Q: Your code sucks at all!
A: I'm not pushing you into reading/using it,
   so if you don't like it go away and never return back!