Php nano engine, simple utility for managing users and mysql queries Php nano engine, jednoduchý nástroj na správu používateľov a prácu s mysql požiadavkami Version/Verzia 0.2 Written by/Napísal Martin Habovštiak <martin dot habovstiak at gmail dot com> Q/A Q: Why you do another new php engine? A: I was writting it for learning one newbie and then realised, I've written quite good engine, so I've decided to publish it. Q: How to use it? A: Look at samples. Q: Why you haven't included <some feature>? A: Probably because it's intended to be simple. Q: Why you dont use OOP? A: Because it's for learning basics with php. Q: Your code sucks! A: You are free to send patches. Q: Your code sucks at all! A: I'm not pushing you into reading/using it, so if you don't like it go away and never return back!
Extremely simple engine for managing users and performing MySQL queries.