The dibk-ansvarsrett project is a wizard that uses losen.
The documentation for losen can be found here


You need to link netliferesearch/losen to run this project locally. Head over to you clone of that repo in the terminal and type yarn link.

Head back to this repo in you terminal and type yarn link losen.

Then run yarn && yarn start to run the development server.


To run the tests you need to type the command yarn test.

The data for this wizard can be found in src/api/ansvarsrett.json.


The project is hosted on Firebase 🔥. You need to be invited to it to be able to deploy.

To deploy you need the firebase tools. Install it with the following command:

yarn global add firebase-tools

Follow the instructions for: firebase login

To build the production bundle you run yarn run build. Then you are ready to type yarn deploy

Deploy to production

First build this project npm run build (make sure you are using latest version of losen).
Then navigate to the wizard page in DIBK staging or from now on you want to update production here Could not login from the last page so you could try and go to You will find the page in the icon top left and Forside/Tests/Veiviser 1 Select folder icon (folder top right) then press "Media" (between "Blokker" and "Skjemaer"). Scroll all the way to the bottom and chose "For denne Side". Upload the Javascript bundle found in build/static after the build step. Then press the menu icon (last icon row right) and update the file in "Javascriptfil for veiviseren" to the file you just uploaded. The last step is to publish the page. The pictures and text changes are uploaded to Episerver.