
Capture mp3 streams from internet radio stations and store in on the local disk.

Primary LanguagePython


by Dirk Ruediger <dirk@niebegeg.net>


CaptuRadio is a tool to record shows from internet radio stations to your computer or server. It is written in Python and primary made to run on a server. CaptuRadio has only been tested on unix-like OSes, like MacOSX and Linux.


CaptuRadio needs Python 3.x (tested using Python 3.4) and an unix-like operation system running on your machine. The following python libraries need to be installed beside Python to run CapturRadio:


Install the application by running the setup script:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 setup.py install

The app needs a configuration file. Simply run

recorder config setup

and it will create a configuration at ~/.config/capturadio. You should edit the file and customize it. Especially the destination folder and the base_url should be adopted.

If you updated the codebase, then runn the following command to update the configuration:

recorder config update

Run the command

recorder config list

to see the current configuration.


CaptuRadio needs some information on the commandline to operate correctly.

recorder show capture <show>

records a pre-defined radio show. The option show tells CaptuRadio which station should be recorded. The show name has to be defined in ~/.local/capturadio (see section Configuration below).

recorder config list

This command lists all defined confuration values.

recorder feed update

By running this command the files providing the RSS feeds are regenerated.

See recorder help <command> for more information on a specific command.


At startup CaptuRadio reads all configuration data from the configuration file. It looks for it at ~/.local/capturadio. If this file does not exist, then it is created using defult values.

The stations are defined in the section [stations]. Every entry consists of a key-value-pair defining the station identifier and the MP3 stream URL.

station1 = http://example.org/station1/mp3
station2 = http://example.net/live/station2

For every station you can provide an own section in the configuration file. There you can define a name of descriptive the station and the URL of the station logo. If the name is defined, then it is used in the mp3 metadata (ID3) and for folder names when storing the file (see notes above). The logo will be downloaded and embedded into the mp3 file.

name = My favorite music radio station
logo_url = http://example.net/media/images/logo_256.png
link_url = http://example.net/station1/

Every show can be defined in an configuration section. You define the name of the show, it's duration and the station presenting this show. The station id is used to find the correct stream url. If your provide a link_url for the show, the this is included in the RSS feed to find further information on the web while listening to the show.

title = The ultimate radio show
duration = 1h55m
station = station1
link_url = http://example.net/shows/show1/


Git clone CaptuRadio from GitHub at https://github.com/DirkR/capturadio


The CaptuRadio code is Freeware.

Version History

Version 0.12 -- 2017-04-03

CaptuRadio is much more SSL friendlier by now.

  • The HTML version contains the icons embedded as data-uri, so that HTTP-URLs don't break the SSL lavel any longer.

Version 0.11 -- 2017-01-29

CaptuRadio had it's 5th birthday last week - time for a new release.

  • Rendering a HTML version of the feeds
  • Updated RSS feed file structure
  • Command 'feed list' lists all episodes from episodes_db
  • Command 'config update' migrates mp3 files in podcasts folder into entries in episodes database.
  • Project structure re-organized.

Warning: Due to the Upgrade to Python3 it is no longer possible to capture Icecast streams. The urllib library is more strict when parsing the HTTP responses.

Version 0.10 -- 2016-10-06

  • Ported to Python3, it will no longer run on Python 2.x
  • PyRSSGen is replaced by Jinja2 to generate output files
  • Episodes are stored in a database, so the episode metadata don't have to be retrieved from ID3 tags
  • Support for the XDG Base Directory Specification, using XDG_CONFIG_HOME and XDG_APP_HOME for configuration and databases
  • Configuration file is located at ~/.local/capturadio and will bemoved there, if one is found at legacy locations.
  • Major code cleanup

Version 0.9 -- 2014-03-27

  • The script 'create_podcast_feed.py' has been incorporated into the 'recorder' script. Run 'recorder feed update' regulary.

  • The command line interface has been changed completely. The former arguments do not work anymore. See recorder help show capture for details.

  • The configuration file can be placed on different locations:

    • ./capturadiorc (in the current directory)
    • ~/.capturadio/capturadiorc
    • ~/.capturadiorc'
    • /etc/capturadiorc

If no configuration file can be found, then a new will be created at ~/.capturadio/capturadiorc.

Version 0.7 -- 2012-02-14

  • Rewritten configuration management
  • URLs of station logos (png or jpeg) and a default logo url can be defined in configuration file.
  • These logos are embeded in the ID3 information (APIC tag) of the mp3 file
  • The logo urls are integrated as <itunes:image> elements in the channel header and item description of rss channel files.

Version 0.6 -- 2012-01-25

  • create_podcast_feed.py also uses the configuration file, there's a section [feed] provides information for the RSS file.
  • MP3 files now contain the timestamp in their filename
  • some small fixes

Version 0.5 -- 2012-01-24

Initial release.