
(Constrained) 2D Delaunay Triangulation in Scala(JS)

Primary LanguageScalaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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DelTri4S is a 2D constrained Delaunay Triangulation library for Scala and ScalaJS. To that end it implements both mutable and immutable data structures that allow the fast creation, manipulation and traversal of 2D triangle meshes. For educational and debugging purposes, DelTri4S supports the export of triangle mesh objects to an interactive HTML visualization. Said visualizations allow to retrace the modifications that were made to the mesh thus helping the understanding and debugging of algorithms.

For a demonstration of how a Constrained Delaunay Triangulation is performed, see this example.

Mesh Creation

TriMesh is the super-type for mutable triangle meshes. A triangle mesh in DelTri4S is composed of the following elements:

Uniquely identifiable points on the 2D plane. A mesh may contain multiple nodes with the same coordinates but it will not be Delaunay triangulatable.
Lines that are uniquely defined by a pair of Nodes. A mesh may contain intersecting segments but it woll not be Delaunay triangulatable. Segments are used in constrained Delaunay Triangulations to confine triangulated areas and to enforce that certain edges are part of the triangulation.
Triangles that are uniquely identified by a triple of Nodes with positive orientation. Each node pair may only be part of one triangle.

TriMeshIndexed is the fastest TriMesh implementation available.

import deltri.TriMeshIndexed

val mesh = TriMeshIndexed.empty
val a = mesh.addNode(0,0)
val b = mesh.addNode(2,0)
val c = mesh.addNode(1,1)
val d = mesh.addNode(0,0.4)
val e = mesh.addNode(0,0.8)

Mesh Creation Example

The Node objects returned by addNode are used to reference nodes in further operations like adding segments or triangles. The Node object contains the x and y coordinate but the equals and hashCode method use object identity to compare objects. The Node objects themselves do however not contain any reference to their mesh and do not prevent the mesh object from being garbage collected.

The toHTML methods returns an HTML document string containing an interactive visualization.

import java.awt.Desktop.getDesktop
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.util.Arrays.asList

val tmp = Files.createTempFile("example1_",".html")
Files.write( tmp, asList(mesh.toHtml) )
getDesktop.browse(tmp.toUri resolve "#-1")

TriMeshImmutable is an immutable/persistent triangle mesh data structure. It is roughly 50% slower than TriMeshIndexed but allows for faster and simpler undo/backtracking operations and is safely shareable without protective copying.

val mesh1 = TriMeshImmutable.empty
val(mesh2,a) = mesh1 addedNode (0 , 0)
val(mesh3,b) = mesh2 addedNode (2 , 0)
val(mesh4,c) = mesh3 addedNode (1 , 1)
val(mesh5,d) = mesh4 addedNode (0 , 0.4)
val(mesh6,e) = mesh5 addedNode (0 , 0.8)
val mesh7    = mesh6.addedTri(a,b,c)

Note that the example code above can be greatly simplified by using pure functional programming techniques, e.g. by using the State Monad, as implement for example in Cats or ScalaZ. TriMeshMutable is a wrapper around TriMeshImmutable that allow the conversion from and to a mutable representation in O(1).

Mesh Traversal

The adjacent method allows fast querying of neighbor/adjacent triangles. For the nodes a and b, adjacent(a,b) returns the node c iff there is a triangle (a,b,c) in the mesh. Keep in mind that triangles in a mesh all have a positive orientation.

val     mesh = TriMeshIndexed.empty()
val a = mesh addNode (-1, -1)
val b = mesh addNode (+1, -1)
val c = mesh addNode (+1, +1)
val d = mesh addNode (-1, +1)
mesh addTri (a,b,c)
mesh addTri (c,d,a)

assert( mesh.adjacent(a,c).exists )
assert( mesh.adjacent(a,c).nodeOrNull  eq  d )

for( e <- mesh.adjacent(a,b) )
  assert( e eq c )

foreachTri allows the traversal of all triangles in a mesh.

mesh foreachTri {
  (a,b,c) =>
    printf( "Tri(\n  %s,\n  %s,\n  %s\n)\n", a,b,c )

foreachTriAround(a) traverses every triangle that contains node a.

  (b,c) =>
    printf( "Tri(\n  %s,\n  %s,\n  %s\n)\n", a,b,c )

Analogue to the aforementioned methods there is also foreachNode, foreachSegement and foreachSegmentAround.

Note that the author of DelTri4S is not a pure functional programmer and most traversal operations are not well suited for that programming paradigm. Contributions to improve that situation are of course welcome.

Delaunay Triangulation

The companion object of every TriMesh class exposes a delaunay method which takes a sequence of points and returns a mesh of said class containing delaunay triangulation. TriMeshTaped is a thin wrapper around a TriMesh that records every modification made to the mesh, which can be inspected using toHTML.

val rng = new Random(1337)
val points = Array.tabulate(128){
  _ => (rng.nextDouble*2-1,
}.toMap.toSeq // <- remove duplicates

val (mesh,nodes) = TriMeshTaped.delaunay(points: _*)

Delaunay Triangulation Example

Constrained Delaunay Triangulation

The input to the Constrained Delaunay Triangulation (CDT) in DelTri4S is a Piecewise Linear Complex (PLC). A PLC consists of:

  • A sequence of nodes: Seq[(Double,Double)]
  • A sequence of segments: Seq[(Int,Int)], where Seq( (i,j) ) means the CDT must contain edge (nodes(i),nodes(j))
  • Information about holes and the boundary

Holes must be entirely enclosed by a closed chain of segments. One way to specify holes or the outside, is to specify one or more nodes that lie inside of a hole or the outside.

val center = (0.0, 0.0)
val innerCircle = Vector range (45,405,90) map (_.toRadians) map {
  angle => ( 0.5 * Math.cos(angle),
             0.5 * Math.sin(angle) )
val outerCircle = Vector range (45,405,90) map (_.toRadians) map {
  angle => ( 1 * Math.cos(angle),
             1 * Math.sin(angle) )

val plc = PLC(
  nodes     = (innerCircle :+ center) ++ outerCircle,
  segments  =  innerCircle.indices map { i => i -> (i+1) % innerCircle.length },
  holeNodes = Set(innerCircle.length) // <- put a hole in the center

val (mesh, meshNodes) = TriMeshTaped.delaunayConstrained(plc)

Delaunay Triangulation Example

Another way to specify holes is to specifiy one or more segments, to the right/positive side of which, all triangles are to be removed.

val innerCircle = Vector range (0,360,120) map (_.toRadians) map {
  angle => ( 0.5 * Math.cos(angle),
    0.5 * Math.sin(angle) )
val outerCircle = Vector range (0,360,120) map (_.toRadians) map {
  angle => ( 1 * Math.cos(angle),
    1 * Math.sin(angle) )

val plc = PLC(
  nodes     = innerCircle ++ outerCircle,
  segments  = innerCircle.indices map { i => i -> (i+1) % innerCircle.length },
  orientedBoundarySegments = Seq( (0,1) )

val (mesh, meshNodes) = TriMeshTaped.delaunayConstrained(plc)

Delaunay Triangulation Example

If the PLC is enclosed by an outer boundary of segments, confinedBySegments can be set to true in the PLC and the CDT will not contain any triangles outside of the outermost segment boundary.

val innerCircle = Vector range ( 0,360,30) map (_.toRadians) map {
  angle => ( 0.6 * Math.cos(angle),
             0.6 * Math.sin(angle) )
val outerCircle = Vector range (15,375,30) map (_.toRadians) map {
  angle => ( 1 * Math.cos(angle),
             1 * Math.sin(angle) )
val n      = innerCircle.length
val points = innerCircle ++ outerCircle

val segments = innerCircle.indices flatMap { i => Seq(
   i    -> (i+n),
  (i+n) -> (i+1) % n

val plc = PLC(
  confinedBySegments = true

val (mesh, nodes) = TriMeshTaped.delaunayConstrained(plc)

Delaunay Triangulation Example