
Simple pure Lua parser for XML-like things

Primary LanguageLuaDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL


Simple parser written in Lua, that can parse a little subset of XML. You can parse simple XML/HTML based formats, like Pango Markup. You only get a tag-soup, a list of parser events, like in SAX, it won't produce a DOM.

It can parse: start/end tags, empty element tags (<foo />), attributes (including HTML "features", like omitting quotes and attribute minimization), entities. You can redefine every special XML character, can use your custom entity set, and you can tell the parser to ignore any errors.

It doesn't do any validating, it will parse non well-formed documents, and doesn't support any fancy features, like DTD or CDATA.


Place dumbxml.lua somewhere require can find it.

local dumbxml = require('dumbxml')

After this, you can create new parser instances using dumbxml.new(tbl). You have to pass a table, which at least contains a getchar key, which is a function that returns one new character (as a lua string) each time called. You can use dumbxml.fromString(string, optional tbl) as a shortcut when you want to parse a single string.

Other keys you can specify:

  • entities: the set of entities supported as key-value pairs. Note that it will replace the default set of entities, you must also specify them if you want them.
  • unknown_entity: function(object, entity) called when an unknown entity is read. By default, it produces an error. If your function returns, it must return a string containing the replacement text.
  • entity_replace: when true, entities are replaced with their values in text nodes, otherwise entity nodes are also produced. By default, it's true.
  • error: called when an error occurs. By default, it's the same as lua's error. If you specify it as function() end, it will silently ignore all errors.
  • xml character sets: you can redefine characters used by xml. These take a single character: tag_separator_start (<), tag_separator_end (>), tag_terminate (/), tag_eq (=), entity_start (&), entity_end (;). The following two take a multi-character string: tag_whitespace ( \t\r\n), tag_quote ('").

After this, you can call next() on the instance to get the next node, or nil if you reached the end of the document. Or you can call iter(), and you receive an iterator.

The table key type contains the node type. Possible values:

  • dumbxml.START_TAG (or dumbxml.START_ELEMENT): a start tag. name contains the tag name, and attrs the attribute pairs.
  • dumbxml.END_TAG (or dumbxml.END_TAG): an end tag. name contains the tag name. Empty tags generate a start/end pair.
  • dumbxml.TEXT: text node. text contains the text.
  • dumbxml.ENTITY: an entity reference. name is the reference (the suff between & and ;), value is the entity value. Only when entity_replace is false.

You can check test.lua for some usage examples (and a unittest!). Use shake to run it, or just lua test.lua if you do not want to install shake. Although error messages will be less useful...


Copyright 2012 by Kővágó, Zoltán

This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details.