
Manage files cash from URLs

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Manage files cash from URLs

You can use default cash with static method

+ (SZFileCashe *)DefaultFileCashe;

You recive 20mb of space for files in NSCachesDirectory/default

If You want make Your own cash, You can init it with

- (id)initWithDir:(NSString *)dirName maxSize:(NSUInteger)size;

note: size in bytes. For recive 20Mb You need set size 2010241024;

Put files in cash

- (void)cashedDataFor:(NSURL *)url withDelegate:(id <SZFileCasheDelegate>)cashDelegate;

Recive it delegate in methods

@protocol SZFileCasheDelegate <NSObject>

- (void)fileCash:(SZFileCashe *)cash didLoadData:(NSData *)fileData fromUrl:(NSURL *)url;
- (void)fileCash:(SZFileCashe *)cash didFailWithError:(NSError *)error fromUrl:(NSURL *)url;
