
Advanced Discord.js v14 Template

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • Advanced DJS v14 Handler (Complete rewrite to support ES6 typings!)
  • Supports Only Slash Commands Now Supports Legacy Commands as well!!!
    • Legacy commands are meant for bots which are in less than 100 guilds.
      • If you plan to use this in more than 100 guilds, You will have to apply for the MessageContent Intent through Discord.
      • Legacy Commands are meant for the developer of the bot only!
    • Cooldowns enabled on Legacy Commands
    • Cannot run any interaction commands in Bot's DMs
    • Supports Cooldowns
      • Supports Component Cooldowns
      • New custom cooldown function (activated by default if the file has cooldown: [number, 'string']).
  • Executes the bot In a Base Class
  • Custom Handler for Components
  • Sends an embed to the guilds system channel when a member joins and leaves.
  • Sends a message to the DevChannel when the bot is added to a new guild (and removed).
  • Added the ability to block guilds from using/inviting the bot.
    • Will be adding ability for users to appeal directly in Bot's DM's (Will be checking to see if it is the owner of the appealed guild).

Logs Everything to the console when starting


Easy to Read

Slash Commands:

  • Example Location of command: "./src/commands/(category)/(command)"
const { SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionsFlagsBits } = require("discord.js");

export default {
    owner: boolean, //  whether command can only be used by the bot owner?
    developer: boolean, // weather the command is for developer guild or global: true or false
    category: "category",
    cooldown: [number, "interval"], // how long to wait for the command to be used again. intervals: "sec", "min", "hr", "day", "month", "year"
    data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
        .setName('name') // command name - Must be lowercase!!
        .setDescription('description') // command description
        .setDefalultMemberPermissions(PermissionsFlagsBits.<permission>), // member permissions
  async execute (interaction, client) => {
    // Code here

Legacy Commands:

  • Example Location of command: "./src/legacyCommands/(category)/(command)"
export default {
    // The following properties can be in any order and Required options are NAME and EXECUTE function.
    name: "name",
    description: "description",
    category: "category",
    cooldown: [number, "interval"], // how long to wait for the command to be used again. intervals: "sec", "min", "hr", "day", "month", "year"
    owner: boolean, // whether command can only be used by the bot owner?
    enabled: boolean, // whether the command can be executed?
    aliases: [], // other words that can activate this command. separate with commas: ["test", "te", "t"]
  async execute (interaction, client) => {
    // Code here


  • Example Location of component: "./src/components/(type)/(category)/(command)/(component)"
  • type: button/ select menu/ modal
  • category: should match the command category
  • command: folder is named the same as the command name
  • component: file that matches the custom id that you created
export default {
    cooldown: [number, "interval"], // how long to wait for the component to be used again. intervals: "sec", "min", "hr", "day", "month", "year"
    data: {
      id: "custom_id", // Must be lowercase
  async execute (interaction, client) => {
    // Code here

Getting Started

Click Use this template at the top of this page or fork the repo to your own profile.

  • Rename .env.example to .env (THIS FILE CANNOT HAVE ANY SPACES)


      • Paste in your BotToken and AppID from the Discord Developer Portal
      • Insert your Developer Guild ID for testing purposes in DevGuild
      • Insert a channel id of your choosing to send logs to in DevChannel
      • Insert your own UserID as BotOwnerID
        • If this is not done, commands with ownerOnly will not function and your project will error and crash.
      • Insert your mongoose connection string as Connect, Get your free connection string Here
        • If you don't know how to get this string, there are videos on this like this one
      • Insert your desired legacy command prefix as Prefix.
  • After you have edited and saved the env file to your needs, you are ready to start the bot!

Important installation prerequisites for MACOS users!

  • In order to install certain packages namely: node-canvas, the following is REQUIRED.
  • Please install homebrew from the terminal using the following command:
    • Please copy and paste these commands exactly into a terminal!
      • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
      • arch -arm64 brew install pkg-config cairo pango libpng jpeg giflib librsvg
    • These commands do take a while to download and install so be patient.
    • After the second one is finished, it will tell you to export a few paths to finish as shown below. Please do these or it won't work. Imgur

  • Install all dependencies with npm install << Remember, DO NOT INCLUDE ANY PACKAGE NAMES HERE!
  • Optional (but recommended):
    • npm run fmt will format your coding using prettier to make it easier to read.
  • Run the bot:
    • npm run test will start the bot with guild commands (Only a test guild)
    • npm run dev will start the bot with global commands (All Guilds)
  • Customize the project to your liking and enjoy!

  • Member add event fires a canvas to welcome the new member.
  • For the member remove events to work, the guild MUST have the System Channel enabled or choose your own channel.

Found any bugs or have any suggestion about the template? Create an issue or pull request! Please ping @Peter-MJ-Parker upon opening to get faster results!